Adderall And Poker

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  • This is a discussion on Drugs and poker within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; Has anyone tried adderall for poker for concentration and long grinds? How was your experience.

In addition to addiction, a 2009 report in Scientific American suggests that long-term Adderall use could change brain function enough to boost depression and anxiety. (Young brains are particularly vulnerable, since they’re not fully developed yet.) In more rare cases, those abusing Adderall for an extended period of time may experience hallucinations, delusions and full-blown psychosis.


Some poker players rely on a large hand volume to boost their winnings. Simply put, skilled grinders can earn more money by logging more hands.

Of course, nobody can play poker for hours on end without experiencing a drop in their skill level. Most players can only log four to five hours at the tables before they start playing their B-game or worse.

Poker is a mentally draining and tiring game. Players have difficulty concentrating on the action for long hours.

Many try combating this problem with caffeine. After all, caffeine is noted for its ability to improve concentration and alertness.

Adderall and poker

But caffeine only works to some extent. At some point, a player will become too tired and unfocused to continue excelling no matter how many energy drinks or cups of coffee they’ve had.

Enter Adderall, a drug that’s specifically designed to boost concentration. Like caffeine, it also has the ability to help one stay awake longer.

Is Adderall the answer to poker players’ prayers? Keep reading as I discuss whether this drug is worth using for amateurs and professionals alike.

What Is Adderall? How Does It Work?

Adderall is the brand name for amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, two amphetamine salts that act as stimulants. This prescription drug is designed to stimulate the central nervous system and treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or just ADD).

Those with ADD often struggle with hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention. Their symptoms can include a lack of focus, forgetfulness, fidgeting, disorganization, and excessive talking.

Adderall and poker tournaments

In the past, Ritalin was often used to treat ADHD patients. However, Adderall has emerged as a worthy replacement in recent years. This drug has less of a drop-off than Ritalin when it wears off. It has fewer side effects than Ritalin, too.

Doctors can prescribe Adderall to everybody from children to adults. This drug is best taken under the guidance of a medical professional. Treatment plans can include a better diet, exercise, and supplements along with the drug.

This compound’s effectiveness in treating ADD is still largely a mystery. The pharmaceutical industry believes that amphetamine somehow works on the brain’s neurotransmitters.


This effect explains how Adderall stimulates the central nervous system. However, it still doesn’t explain how it helps combat ADHD.

Adderall can also be used to treat narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder that causes people to suddenly fall asleep during the day. It’s not, however, recommended as an energy booster for those who are feeling sleepy.

How Should You Use Adderall When Playing Poker?

The best approach to using this drug involves visiting a doctor first. You can explain to them that you have trouble focusing during poker sessions or at work.

If necessary, they’ll decide on the best course of action. The MD can also recommend your dosage and frequency for using Adderall. A common Adderall dosage schedule is one to three times per day. Again, though, you should consult a doctor beforehand.

The MD may evaluate you through checkups to see if the dosage is working properly. They may recommend that you increase or lower the dosage at some point.

How Can Adderall Help Poker Players?

The biggest advantage of Adderall is a boost in concentration. You’ll likely benefit from this drug if you struggle to maintain focus during a long session.

You may be perfectly fine for the first four to five hours of play. After this point, though, you might begin losing focus and feel mentally drained.

Adderall works within 30 minutes to an hour. Therefore, you could take a cap three to four hours into your session and get a second wind.

The other great thing about this drug is that it offers an awakening effect. As mentioned before, you can boost your winnings by logging more quality hours.

If Adderall is good enough for narcolepsy patients, it’s good enough to keep a poker player awake. However, this stimulating effect is merely a secondary benefit to improved concentration.

What Are the Downsides of Adderall?

Like any prescription drug, Adderall has side effects and potential health consequences. Some of these side effects are minor and more common, while others can be quite serious.

Here’s what you need to worry about when considering Adderall for poker purposes.

Common Side Effects

  • Bladder pain
  • Cloudy urine
  • Faster heartbeat
  • Lower back and/or side pains.
  • Frequent urination

Less Common Side Effects

  • Chills
  • Cold
  • Coughing
  • Flu
  • Hoarseness

Adderall Addiction

Addiction is perhaps the scariest thought involving Adderall. Assuming this happens, you could find yourself struggling to play poker for any time period without it.

The good news is that most patients don’t develop an Adderall addiction at recommended doses. Those who do become addicted often take doses higher than what’s recommended.

The ingredients, including amphetamine and norepinephrine, lend themselves to dependence when the drug is used irresponsibly. Amphetamine is a stimulant that produces a euphoric effect or high that users may want to keep chasing.

Norepinephrine increases your dopamine level. Dopamine is a brain chemical that makes you feel rewarded for certain events (e.g. using Adderall).

Some warning signs to look for regarding addiction include:

  • Increasing dosage to feel the same effect
  • Feeling the need to use Adderall before every poker session or any activity
  • Blowing off responsibilities to use and experience this drug

Sometimes, you may naturally need a larger dosage, especially when you eat certain foods. Assuming you consume the wrong foods, your GI tract will dispose of the medication faster.

Adderall And Poker Games

Anything with large amounts of citric acid will minimize your body’s absorption of Adderall.

Orange juice and lemon juice—both high in vitamin C—will prevent the drug from being fully absorbed.

Adderall And Poker Rules

Other foods to avoid when using Adderall include anything with lots of preservatives and soft drinks. If you do eat something in this category, do so at least an hour before taking the medication.

Is Adderall Ultimately Worth It for Poker Players?


Some poker players look for any advantage they can to boost their profits. They may even consider using Adderall, even if they haven’t been diagnosed with ADHD.

I don’t recommend you use Adderall just for a performance-enhancing effect in poker. Instead, you should only use the drug if you have a real concentration problem.

Adderall And Poker Gambling

Of course, you can be diagnosed pretty easily just by telling a doctor all the right things.

You can just say that you have trouble focusing at the poker table or work.

We live in a society today where people are apt to seek medication for any perceived problem. Even the slightest bit of inattention can convince one that they have ADD.

Assuming you’re unsure if you have a real concentration problem, then you should speak with a doctor about it. They can better diagnose the situation and decide if you really need medication.

Again, you can say what the doctor needs to hear before writing a prescription. But you also have to consider the downsides to taking this drug if you don’t need it.

Adderall has some notable side effects, ranging from bladder pain to cloudy urine. You could also potentially get addicted, especially if you’re just using the drug to play better poker.


Adderall can provide serious benefits to any poker player who struggles with concentration. It helps with focus and alertness, both of which are important during long poker sessions.

This compound works by stimulating the nervous system. It’s even used to treat patients with narcolepsy. Therefore, Adderall definitely has the attributes to help improve your poker game. But it also comes with some risks, too.

First, Adderall has side effects that range from minor ones (e.g. frequent urination) to more serious ones (quicker heart rate). It can even lead to addiction when used irresponsibly.

It’s not just some Limitless pill that provides unending benefits with no consequences. Instead, Adderall has side effects and should only be used for its intended purposes.

You can get generic versions of this drug online. However, this route offers no guarantees on the quality of the drug.

Adderall And Poker Tournaments

The best way to use Adderall is through the help of a licensed MD. They can diagnose you, consider any other health problems you may have, and offer a treatment plan. More importantly, they can decide if you really need this drug in the first place.

Adderall And Poker

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